2 Zodiac Signs That Will Experience Difficulties as February Ends

zodiac signs, aries, sagittarius, astrology, zodiac

As February approaches its close, many zodiac signs have experienced a month filled with unique, mostly positive, moments. From romance and sensuality to exciting opportunities, it’s been quite a month. However, for two specific signs, the last week of the month might bring a shift in energy. As these signs near the end of February, they could face struggles and obstacles that challenge their actions and mindset, making it a more difficult close to February. Let’s dive into how these signs will wrap up this month and what hurdles they will encounter, pushing them into a shift of self-admittance and more.

Let’s look into which of the zodiac signs will face some personal hurdles as the month draws closer to an end. Each of these signs may feel like this is a trying time, but equally, each sign has unique ways to work through what obstacle is in their path. While the New Moon comes to grace us this week, many will find refreshing and positive energy flowing through their veins; the two zodiac signs will have to push through, but the struggle will not last forever. It is extremely important that each of these signs do not lean into negativity and self-pity during this time, or they will hinder growth and become stuck in a toxic cycle.

The Stubborn Yet Brave Zodiac Sign: Aries

Aeries, Zodiac sign, Astrology, Ram, horoscope

Photo Credit: MintMoon

Aries, you know that you can naturally tap into your inner strength and that you are always looking for new experiences. While this can be fun, sometimes you over reach, and forget to settle when you have a good thing going. For all of your confidence in yourself, you are walking a fine line between confidence and arrogance as February comes to a close. Your swagger can be taken as independent, and you also naturally project that you know who and what you are and are not ashamed to say or show it. This can be inspiring when you are leading others, but lately, you are letting things go to your head.

Your natural trait of being ambitious and independent are also tilting to be more concerning than helpful. Usually these are talents you put to wonderful use, never afraid to tackle a new project, or walk into a room and own whatever is going on. You know you can make things happen without anyone’s help and are resourceful and clever. However, you are more closed off than independent lately, and you’re ability to say “I got this!” has turned into a bitter energy that comes off as condescending.

Pisces season started on February 18, and the sun became less present in placement, which has brought the darkness within yourself to light, Aries. Your spirit is aching for emotional healing, but you can’t seem to stop self-sabotage. You get ahead of yourself, your independence turning you headstrong in a negative and closed-off way. You need simple moments of silence, but you tend to shut yourself off from others that care for you instead of enjoying peace. Instead of shutting down, try to take small moments to breathe and reflect inward on why you are leaning towards confining yourself when you have great support there for you.

Try to tone down on taking on so many projects at once, your zodiac sign is known for taking too much on. Your ideas are great, but your eagerness and timing are not. Your plate is full, and while there are great ideas and aspirations brewing within you, it’s time to look at what you already have. You are wearing yourself thin, and for those that have others working with them on projects or even for the leaders at work, you are pushing people away by being to sporadic. It’s time to reign in on your talents and, admit that you have lost some self-control, and work on humility and thinking of others and not just yourself or your own ideas.

The Strong Yet Brave Zodiac Sign: Aries

Sagittarius, Zodiac sign, horoscope, astrology, fire sign
Photo Credit: MintMoon

As a Sagittarius, you already know you have a fire filled personality, and can bring energy with you anywhere you go, no matter the situation. This zodiac sign is known to be friendly and energetic. However, you have a bossy side that tends to come out once you feel like you’ve won the lead with people in general. You are great at keeping not only your mind busy but distracting others from things as well. This can be helpful when you know others need to not focus on something that is wounding them, but lately, you have lost control here. You have gotten reckless and are letting your emotions complicate things.

You have been carrying things in you for far too long, and while you are not weak by any means, your ferocity has run to a trickle. It is time to sit down and admit to yourself that even you can be vulnerable sometimes and don’t always have to show the world you are golden and impenetrable. We all have weak spots, yourself included. This isn’t always something one wants to hear, much less admit. However, you have wound yourself so tight that your loved ones are triggering you, even when they are simply communicating with you. It isn’t a crime to admit you need to to heal from things you have held onto for to long.

The end of this month brings emotional struggles for you. No one has wronged you but your own self, and that is simply by not allowing yourself to heal. You keep your image up to reek of strength and perfection, but no one is perfect. Your divine intervention is going to come from others telling you gentle reminders of self care that you have ignored for too long. You need to allow yourself to be sensitive, and let our the things you have held inside for too long.

This may be an emotional turning point but in a painful way. Letting out things from apologies to others that you have hurt and denied, and letting out your inner trauma from earlier in life will open a well of hard to process emotions. It’s time to stop running from your wrong-doings to others and to stop denying the past trauma you carry from earlier in life. Running away will not help you heal, but letting out those hard emotions will. Stop denying that in your facade to seem unphased and strong, you have hurt others along the way, as well as your own self. You are your own roadblock right now, Sagittarius.

Process What Is Coming

February’s ending cycle has started, and both of these zodiac signs will find that this is just the beginning of tackling an internal struggle. Although painful, you may try to put off these new events in life, but these things must happen. To deny yourself the suffering needed to heal is to leave yourself in an exhausting circle of falsities. You deserve better than how you have treated your own self, and it is time to reflect on how you can truly be your own self. How can you pull your natural talents back into a positive alignment, impacting yourself and others in ways that lead to progress instead a continued personal war?

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