The Complete Tarot In The Stars Daily Moon Horoscope | July 5th, 2024

tarot, rider waite, moon, astrology, oracle, horoscope

Welcome to our Tarot in the Stars Daily Moon Horoscope! We are back to the 1st day in the moon cycle as today is the new moon. It’s a day for renewal and letting things go.  We entered Cancer on Thursday and will remain there through Saturday, moving into Leo on Sunday. On the 1st moon day, things are visible and can be seen despite being the new moon. Now in the 8th Moon Mansion, Annathra (Al-Nathrah: The Gap or Cirb),  a day of victory. 

Tarot in the Stars Daily Moon Horoscope

Cancer Zodiac Sign Illustration Artwork for Astrological Signs and Dates
Image Source: Darkmoon_Art via pixabay

As the 1st day in the lunar cycle, in Cancer with the element of Airwater, a day to open and clear all of our Chakras. It’s a day of clear vision, the new moon, a day for reflection, balance, and compassion. Today you can find and know a higher truth if you look for it. You can learn this through meditation, reflection, and communing with ancestors about your past and present and maybe even your future. Pay close attention to dreams as this is a common way to retrieve messages from your past and your ancestors. Today is a day of cleansing, a positive attitude, and positive energy. 

As we move through Cancer, people are going to be more sensitive, they seem to go deep into their inner world, reflecting, and planning for the near and far future and they review where they are compared to where they want to be. Best to take things slowly today, again make your plans, and don’t rush. Take things easy right now. People born with their moon in Cancer tend to be sensitive and extremely intuitive. They are often seen as romantics and come off as a bit dreamy, heads in the clouds and feet a foot off the ground. 

Today’s Spread

Rider Waite Tarot Draw Moon Horoscope
Rider Waite Tarot Draw by Christle Hart | Author

So, all of our cards are reversed today. The IV of Wands, V of Cups, and the Fool (0). It looks like some events, family gatherings, and reunions have been canceled as of recently. Maybe a family gathering for the holiday yesterday. I cannot see why but it looks like it was due to people just not getting along. Do know that things will work themselves out and it’s time to move on. Healing is around the corner, a release of emotions or letting go of grief. However, be aware of your actions, and how you show your feelings. You don’t want to be careless or negligent and cause more stress or division. 


Today is an easygoing day. As always on the new moon, a day of reflection, meditation, and communication with ancestors or other spiritual beings, whatever we need to do as we look to the next cycle, make plans for the next month. There has been some discontent recently but this too shall pass. Things have a way of working themselves out. Resolve the issue or grieve it, whatever you need to do, and move on with a positive attitude and energy. 

If you have not worked with a new moon previously, the new moon is a time of reset. A time to cleanse our auras, and open and cleanse our Chakras. It’s a time to let things go that no longer serve, a time to either close old feelings, issues, and problems, or get rid of things that are not serving, negative, or are bringing us down. If you can’t get rid of them, find a way to maybe turn the situation to the positive. For example, if you lost your job, maybe it was time and this gives you the opening to try something you’d rather be doing. As one door closes, another opens. Use this time to look at where you’ve been and decide where you would like to go next. Make plans to get there. 

Moving between the new moon and the full is a time of bringing things to you. 14 days to ask for what you need, draw in positive energy, money, friends, love, whatever it is that you desire. Remember this as you make your plans for this next cycle.  As always, stay safe, stay positive, and be the magic. 

The cards I use for these drawings are my Rider Waite Deck, the original version. 

**For entertainment purposes only.**

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