Times can be quite confusing during a Mercury Retrograde. Plans, intentions, and communications can all go haywire. Technology, logistics, and communications are the most affected aspects during this period. Expect these aspects to affect your daily life and routine for three weeks. There is a plus side to a Mercury Retrograde for those who know how to utilize this period most effectively. This retrograde offers an opportunity to find joy and practice patience.
What is a Mercury Retrograde
The term Mercury Retrograde, or “apparent retrograde motion,” comes from the visual effect Mercury has during this time. From Earth, it looks as though Mercury goes backward for about three weeks. Hence the term, but indeed, Mercury continues on its designated course. The planet Mercury symbolizes communication; therefore, all communicable transmissions may be seriously affected. From emails to handwritten letters, no form of communication is exempt.
How to Prepare Yourself
When the retrograde starts on Saturday, March 14, there will be a full Moon in a void, of course, between Virgo and Libra. Keeping balance and equality in mind may help you start this retrograde on the right footing. Understanding what the Retrograde will affect will help you prepare yourself for three weeks of disrupted intentions. Times of confusion, delays, and frustration will be rampant. Patience and honesty will get you through the hardest moments of this retrograde.
Use meditation or another form of introspection to help you reflect on your thoughts and actions. Reflecting upon your situation will help you hone your communication and intention into a more manageable transaction. During this Mercury retrograde, do not rush the process or speak without thinking, as this may have serious or negative consequences.
What This Retrograde Means
Reflecting on past decisions and an honest assessment of past mistakes will be beneficial. Mercury rules over both Gemini and Virgo houses, making these two signs more heavily affected by this retrograde. Take care not to overload your schedule or take on more tasks than you can handle. It is good to be productive and accomplish tasks, but you need to moderate your energy effectively.
Making hasty decisions or speaking impulsively may get you into trouble or a situation you do not want to be in. This Retrograde is unique; Venus will be in retrograde, and there will be two eclipses during this time. Slowing down to reassess your values, finances, and relationships will prove beneficial when it comes to bringing yourself joy.
This Mercury Retrograde is unique and an opportunity for joy if you can control yourself for three weeks. Slowing down and taking your time are the best ways to approach this retrograde. It would be best to avoid making concrete plans or promises during this period. A slow and methodical approach to tasks and introspection guarantee you will not rush or be hasty in your decisions. If you find yourself losing control or getting lost in the current, try to ground yourself or take a breather to help refocus. After April 7, you may let your hair down and do something spontaneous for yourself.