Why Spaying or Neutering Your Pets Is Important

Spaying or Neutering

Spaying or neutering your pet is similar to human beings needing family planning services. Your furry friend also needs them. Spaying is the removal of the female pet’s reproductive organs. Neutering is the removal of a male pet’s reproductive organ. So, what are the benefits of having these procedures done for your pet?

Medical Benefit 

Your pet may live longer and healthier after spaying or neutering. This medical procedure should help prevent infections, tumors, or testicular-related illnesses in male pets. Veterinary doctor Andrea Peda stated that “spaying a female pet can help prevent life-threatening infections and tumors of the reproductive tract, as well as breast tumors. The inability to reproduce eliminates the complications that could accompany pregnancy and delivery.”

Behavior Benefit 

Controlling a pet isn’t easy. We remember waking up to discover our female dog was missing. She was in her heat period, so in the night, she scaled the fence to find a mate. Spraying and neutering do not just carry medical benefits. Imagine our dog got an infection while on the street!

Thus, these procedures are vital to controlling your pet’s behavior during its heat cycle. Dr. Peda said, “Pets may be better behaved and show a decrease in mounting behavior, the marking of territory with urine, and intermale hormone-related aggression.” Sometimes, our pet wanders far, and an accident may happen that we aren’t aware of. Or, during their heat, the male dog could fight with another male dog while tracking a female to mate.

Public Health Benefits 

Spaying or neutering your pet helps prevent unwanted pet pregnancy. Also, it helps reduce the number of homeless pets on the street. Therefore, if you aren’t ready to nurture more than one pet, controlling your current pet’s sexual needs should do the trick! Another important benefit is that it curbs the tendency of you getting an infection from your pet.

When to Spay or Neuter Your Pet

We recommend you visit your vet if you desire to execute these procedures on your pet. Most times, it’s best to handle this procedure when your pet is under a year old. According to Ross University for Veterinary Medicine, “the best time to spay or neuter your dog is at about six to nine months of age, but the time frame varies according to the size and breed of dog.” For cats, they said that in eight weeks, you can perform this procedure. However, some vets recommend waiting five to six months before performing this procedure. Older pets can be spayed or neutered, yet the procedure could be complicated for the pet after the surgery.

Facts and Myths About Spaying or Neutering

Some pet owners expect that their pets could become overweight if they undergo this procedure. However, according to Ross University for Veterinary Medicine, removing your pet’s reproductive organ could lead to less metabolism. Yet pet owners should supervise their pets’ feeding and engage them in constant exercise.

Another myth is a behavior change could deter the pet from performing its function. For example, will an aggressive guard dog maintain his protective behavior? Ross University posited that “neutering your male dog may decrease some hormone-related intermale aggression, but it will not change his innate personality or his desire and ability to protect your home.”

Final thoughts

Removing your pet’s reproductive organs is a means to solve the overpopulation of pets on the street. Therefore, if you can’t handle more than a pet, it is better to spay or neuter them. This procedure isn’t expensive. Also, after surgery, visit your vet for a followup appointment.

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