The day greets you with radiance, Leo! The new week is upon you, bringing deep digging, recognition, and some growth in communication. You have three areas that you will need to focus on and grow in. One area, in particular, will be challenging because you are so stubborn and often think of your feelings first instead of anyone else’s. If you can swallow your pride, that single area will bring you so many benefits in the long run. Your pride has always been a trait that consumes you.
With Venus in retrograde, you can grow your ego and pride. They are a double-sided sword, and this week allows you to sharpen the better side. Take time to think about your actions before prowling in, keeping your pride in check and biting your tongue long enough to assess situations and how you can affect them. Sometimes, you know your strengths and enter a situation brazenly, owning the whole ordeal. However, sometimes you lack tact, Leo.
Moon Phases
- March 2 – March 4: Waxing Moon in Sagittarius
- March 5 – March 6: Waxing Moon in Capricorn
- March 7 – March 8: First Quarter Moon in Gemini
Important Dates
The dates above will give you insight into how you feel and the energy shifts you experience this week. From March 2-4, you will feel at your prime, with the moon in another fellow fire sign. You will feel positive, enthusiastic, and ready to tackle anything during this time. This is a good time to work towards your goals, Leo. Then, the moon will shift into Capricorn on March 5 and stay there throughout March 6. You are naturally spontaneous, but after the revved-up feelings from the previous moon phase, you will shift into a more grounded mood. You should use this time to focus on organizing your surroundings and plans.
On March 8, the moon will be in the First Quarter and the Gemini sign. This is an air sign, and you are a fire sign, Leo. This will bring you energy that will leave you with an urge to communicate with others, and this is a perfect time to exercise this at work! Try networking with others, maybe even others you have tried with before, but to no avail. This is the perfect time for you to work on verbal and virtual connections!
Leo Weekly Horoscope
Overall, this week gives you a mixture of energies, Leo! You start off strong, enthusiastic, and amped up! These are natural feelings for you, but the immediate shift into a more serious energy may be challenging for you. You will have to slow down mid-week, right after feeling a full-on prowl of energy. Just take the time to focus and think about practical instead of bold approaches. This will benefit you during this time if you can manage to harness your own energy. Rise to the challenge, you never back down from one anyway, Leo!
At the start of the week, you will be rolling in waves of your natural strengths, feeling glorious and ready to take on the world! You absolutely have to learn to hone that energy when it is needed, and the mid-week will bring you to a full stop with brazen energy. This is a perfect time to practice shifting from bold to practical, using tact, and learning to hone this slip of energy. You end the week with a window that allows you to reach out to others and form strong connections or reach out to missed connections from the past. This week is all about growth and working on skills, Leo!