When life starts to feel complex and overwhelming, people look for ways to help connect the dots. Astrology uses the planets to help navigate and explain self-characteristics. Knowing more about yourself can guide you in making hard decisions. Astrology is a tool used to provide comfort for those needing another way to figure out how to live their life.
Tarot in the Stars Horoscope
When building endurance, it is best to rest between spurts of progress. Keep a steady pace but do not burn yourself out today. Protect yourself by taking necessary precautions, do not take risks that put your health on the line. Balance your work and home life evenly so your attention is spent on those tasks that need it. It may be a struggle this morning to find this balance, but it should become more clear by this evening.
The Planets Today
The Sun represents ego and will in astrology as it is the most visible and important star. With the Sun in Aquarius now is the time to think outside of the box and improve the normal routine. You may find yourself thinking about humanity in a collective group. Utilize this time to help others in need in ways you can contribute. As winter is in full swing, it is a collective mindset to gather and share with those who we can help. Even if it is a sharing of ideas or opinions, the gathering brings people into the fold.
The Moon represents hidden or emotional needs, it reflects your instincts. You may find yourself feeling restless today while the Moon is in Aries. You and everyone around you may be more spontaneous and direct with their intentions. Impatience and focus will drive you inward to your own goals, leaving others out of your consciousness. Try to incorporate others into your plans and stay inclusive. It is a day to be fearless but not reckless. Acting instinctively can have amazing rewards or powerful cautionary lessons. You may find yourself more assertive and courageous. Keep yourself balanced and you will win your battles this morning.
Today’s Spread
Tarot decks have been used for generations as a tool to delve into the inner realms. Helping people make hidden connections in their lives and to face inner truths. The tarot deck consists of 78 cards, separated into two sections. The major arcana consists of 22 cards while the minor arcana consists of 56 cards.
The minor arcana is divided into four subcategories to represent the four elements or navigational directions. Today’s Tarot reading was done with the Green Witch Tarot deck by Ann Moura. If today’s tarot spread does not resonate with you, come back for the next reading.
Five of Athames
The first card of today’s tarot reading represents past conditions or circumstances. You have faced overwhelming challenges and have found the courage to overcome them. This may have left you with an injured self-esteem or self-image. You may have had to use force to make a drastic change in your life and part ways from a negative situation. Do not blame others for failures, taking responsibility will help you not make the same mistakes. Seek the positive and repel the negative; a positive attitude can flip a negative situation.
Two of Pentacles (Reversed)
The second card of today’s tarot spread signifies the present situation or choices you may be facing. You have a project or task that requires great skill and patience. Prepare to put in extra effort to complete this task on time. A difficult situation requires balance and time. Balance your budget so you do not burn yourself out early. Success will require strength and enthusiasm, be sure to rest up and take breaks on time.
Four of Athames (Reversed)
The third card of today’s tarot reading represents possible future outcomes or obstacles to be faced. You may find yourself catching a nasty bug or needing to be secluded due to illness. By taking precautions you may find a renewed interest in an old hobby. Discretion may be necessary to keep yourself from damaging your reputation. Be prepared for the consequences of being excluded from former associates. This recuperation will have a cleansing quality. You will be renewed and rejuvenated. Have patience and rest while you can, come back stronger than ever.
Do not let the opportunity pass you by, take the break or utilize the time given for progress. Listen to the day and react accordingly. Pace yourself, do not push to finish something that needs time and a second opinion. The key word for today is balance. It may be hard to find your balance this morning but this evening should become more clear. Try not to make any plans or promises this afternoon; leave those for later tonight or, better yet, tomorrow.