When life starts to feel complex and overwhelming, people look for ways to help connect the dots. Astrology uses the planets to help navigate and explain self-characteristics. Knowing more about yourself can guide you in making hard decisions. Astrology is a tool used to provide comfort for those needing another way to figure out how to live their life.
Tarot in the Stars Horoscope
Today may feel easy breezy if you keep balance in mind. There may be problems to handle at a moment’s notice; if you remain calm, the solution will be obvious. If the moment gets out of hand, breathe deep and tap into your creative skills to find a diplomatic solution. Give yourself time to think thoroughly about the problem and not let others rush your process. Trust in yourself and showcase your abilities to handle stressful situations.
The Planets Today
The Sun represents ego and will in astrology as it is the most visible and important star. While the Sun is in Pisces, you may feel more sensitive or connected to hidden depths of emotion. Communicating with others may take on a more compassionate and understanding nature. The connection with the divine may be more perceivable during this time. Nature begins making subtle yet noticeable changes, preparing for the next season.
The Moon represents hidden or emotional needs, it reflects your instincts. While the Moon is in Pisces, you may feel the need to retreat into your shell. A sense of heightened instincts and awareness may be overwhelming at moments. This would be an opportune time to find a comfortable spot to do some self-reflection for introspection. You may be susceptible to others’ emotions and not be able to differentiate from your own. Do not allow yourself to drown in empathy.
Today’s Spread
Tarot decks have been used for generations as a tool to delve into the inner realms. Helping people make hidden connections in their lives and to face inner truths. The tarot deck consists of 78 cards, separated into two sections. The major arcana consists of 22 cards while the minor arcana consists of 56 cards.
The minor arcana is divided into four subcategories to represent the four elements or navigational directions. Today’s Tarot reading was done with the Green Witch Tarot deck by Ann Moura. If today’s tarot spread does not resonate with you, come back for the next reading.
Seven of Chalices
The first card of today’s tarot reading represents past conditions or circumstances. You had the willpower to achieve your dreams and the imagination to dream big. The choices available to you were vast. You prioritized your goals and had opportunities to see them through. Your ideas were bright, and you could see order through the chaos.
Six of Wands
The second card of today’s tarot spread signifies the present situation or choices you may be facing. You will be receiving public recognition based on your achievements and abilities to make your ideas come to fruition. You will be given a great honor or advancement. Others have been receptive to your ideas and led to your success. People see your creative energy and how you express yourself. You face your difficulties head-on and others have noticed how you handle situations.
7. The Battle Wagon
The third card of today’s tarot reading represents possible future outcomes or obstacles to be faced. You will have the opportunity to travel, whether for business, military, or career advancement that requires relocation. Your success will stem from willpower, control, and dominance. Remain focused on your goals and keep yourself in good health. Results will be as swift as your efforts.
Many people look up to you and some probably envy you for your ability to make your dreams a reality. You dream big and bright, giving people hope and drive comes naturally to you, or so it seems. Remember to take care of yourself while you are out reshaping the world. Your health is just as important. People see how you work as well as the work itself. You inspire people and help them feel like they understand their world better. Keep on track and you will go as far as you want.