Have you ever prayed for something and felt like Heaven went quiet on you? The days turn into weeks, months, even years. When we don’t see responses to our prayers, it can feel very discouraging. Motivational Bible verses on delayed answers can be very helpful in being patient.
Why is patience important? Because it helps you value and utilize the time as you wait for God to respond. It’s amazing to think how much time is wasted in despair and worry waiting for a breakthrough from God when that time could have been used for so many other things. What’s on that chore list? Who can I help as I wait for God to help me? Looking at the bigger picture brings everything into great value and shows how strong your faith is in God responding to your prayers.
Motivational Bible Verses For Patience: Daniel 10:12-14
12 Then he continued, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. 13 But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia. 14 Now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future, for the vision concerns a time yet to come.”
Tracking down some motivational bible verses when things are going rough can be a great motivator. Here’s why this scripture is so motivational:
- God confirms through this heard his prayer through the heavenly being that was speaking to him (v.4-6). Earlier in this chapter the person described is of great supernatural origins in his vision. However, his mission was simple: Remind Daniel he was not forgotten.
- God is dealing with what’s going on around you spiritually first. The priority of dealing with the prince of the Persian kingdom (v.13) was important because this spiritual being was slowing down the communication between he and Daniel so much that Michael had to come help with this situation. Sometimes we forget God is clearing the path both spiritually and physically so that you can operate in your answered prayer.
- Consistent prayer is key in your relationship with God. Notice earlier in the chapter after receiving the message about a “Great War” he mourned but also fasted during that time. It bothered him so much he fasted for three weeks! He didn’t get mad, or act out of worry and despair, he went into a space to fully focus on what was going on.
Motivational Bible Verses Can Also Help Others
When you find a motivational Bible verse that you can relate to, understand the context, and apply to your life you can share this with your friends and family. When you unite with them in prayer and encouragement, you can encourage their patience and what to do in the process of patience. Make sure you make a note of the motivational bible verses you use as well so you can share them with others.
Prayer For Waiting In Joy, Patience
Heavenly Father, I come to you knowing all things are possible. I bring my requests to you because you are whom I trust and love, and I know all things are possible. I ask you Lord Jesus to hear my prayer, and help me be patient for your response. There are so many things out here, so many people out here that can lead my patience astray. That can lead to horrible mistake made. Please help me to be patient in the process. In your process, help me to discover further works that can be done to bring your name the glory and honor that it deserves. Amen.