Complete Tarot in The Stars Daily Moon Horoscope | July 26, 2024

Welcome to our Tarot in The Stars Daily Moon Horoscope! We’ve moved into the 21st day of the moon cycle, and will move through Aries and into Taurus on Sunday. Today’s symbols are the Horse (or herd) and the Chariot. Perpetual movement and unstoppable energy are the key themes. Transformation and beginnings are what we’re going to see, according to Lunar Mansion 2, Albotain (the Arabic Al-Butain means “the little belly”). This is the perfect time to let go of anger and resolve conflicts. 

Tarot in The Stars Daily Moon Horoscope

As it’s the 21st lunar day in Aries, and the element of fire predominates, today’s a day for perpetual movement, transformation, and reform. It’s a day for new beginnings, duty, and responsibility. Courage and sacrifice are part of our world today as decisions are made and renewal is imminent, especially in the spiritual realm. There could be improvement in all areas, including your personal life, family, friends, and romantic partners. Today’s also a day for collective meetings and group activities both in your personal and business life. 

It’s important to be fair and honest in all that you do today. Starting in a new direction without honesty and fairness will only end in disappointment and hurt. Take responsibility for all actions taken and have confidence in the decisions you make. It’s a day for beginning a new direction on your journey, or a new journey altogether. 

The moon in Aries brings a tendency for conflict, more so now than during any other time. Emotional tension is growing, people start becoming impulsive, and their tempers could flare more easily than usual. Many will seem to be fearless as they jump to conclusions, especially in extreme situations when caution should be taken.

The nicest person you know could show a previously hidden mean streak during these days of Aries. Today, it’s easier to shake off an old problem rather than face it. This isn’t advisable as the problem will still be waiting to be faced later on. Free yourself of the stress by addressing it so you can truly leave it behind. 

People born with their moon in Aries are fearless, decisive, impulsive, and can display arrogance. Although when they´re angry, they calm rather quickly. They want the whole world to work how they feel it should and will take steps to make it so. They do take it as a personal affront when they aren’t successful though.

They’re also easily excitable and swept up by emotion. They can fall in love on a dime, and fall out just as quickly. They’re often disappointed when things don’t go their way, but they’re also quickly distracted so their frustration doesn’t usually last very long. They get bored with routine and are always looking for new adventures. 

The Planets Today: 

Here’s how the planets are currently lined up:

  • Mercury in Leo: Mercury enters Virgo on Thursday, July 25, 2024
  • Venus in Leo: Venus enters Virgo on Sunday, August 4, 2024
  • Mars in Gemini: Mars enters Cancer on Wednesday, September 4, 2024
  • Jupiter in Gemini: Jupiter goes Station Retrograde in Gemini on Wednesday, October 9, 2024
  • Saturn (Retrograde) in Pisces: Saturn goes Station Direct in Pisces on Friday, November 15, 2024
  • Uranus in Taurus: Uranus goes Station Retrograde in Taurus on Sunday, September 1, 2024
  • Neptune (Retrograde) in Pisces: Neptune goes Station Direct in Pisces on Saturday, December 7, 2024
  • Pluto (Retrograde) in Aquarius: Pluto enters Capricorn on Saturday, August 31, 2024
  • Chiron in Aries: Chiron goes Station Retrograde in Aries on Friday, July 26, 2024

Today’s Spread

Photo by Christle Hart.

Today our card draw has provided us with the III of Cups, a reversed Hierophant, and the VII of Wands. This brings us a day of challenging tradition, living in a way different than the masses and current societal values. This is especially auspicious in today’s political and moral society worldwide, as a large global community, we’re working to find peace and stability across all boundaries.

It’s a day of celebration of our values, our morals, our chosen lifestyles, and our family and friends as a community. It’s a day to fight for our beliefs and values. Gather and celebrate any little achievements and successes today. 


As we celebrate new beginnings, our values, and our way of life, remember your opinions and views are important, and we can make change if we truly believe our values and morals are right. While we shouldn’t push our own beliefs on others, this is a time in our worldly lives to try to make changes for the positive, to fight the harm that’s being done to our families, friends, and neighbors. We should try to bring love and peace to those around us. Remember, as always: be kind, be compassionate, be strong, and be the magic. 

The cards I use for these drawings are from my Rider Waite Deck, the original version. **For entertainment purposes only.**

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