Cheating Fears: How to Reassure Your Partner and Build Trust


Trust is a foundation in any relationship. When one starts questioning the partner, the most common topic seems to be cheating. If that partner has had some worries about infidelity or the other, they need to talk about it to avoid negativity in the relationship. These cheating fears may have accrued from previous experiences in a relationship, personal concerns, or misunderstandings. But if the couple listens, communicates, and tries, most of these anxieties can be alleviated, and the couple’s bond improves. Here are a few ways that will help to restore your partner’s trust in you.

Open Communication: The Key to Understanding

Communicating openly is the first step in dealing with cheating fears. Usually, suspicions appear when people fail to discuss the situation. Both partners should sit down and have a good conversation about the problem if any of them is feeling anxious over insecurity, or cheating for that matter. The first step here is to accept that your partner is scared. If your partner is worried about you cheating, do not just disregard it. Rather, you should listen well and even be willing to encourage them. Use questions such as, “Why do you feel this way?” or “What can I do to help you overcome your fear?”

The fact that somebody can explain where the worry comes from is enough to make things less scary. Also, if you have issues with your partner, do it tactfully and kindly to your partner. Instead of blatantly accusing them of cheating on you, explain how behaviors that were exhibited or circumstances that occurred make you feel. For instance, saying, “I get tense when you pull away,” is a lot healthier than saying, “You’re cheating on me!”

Reassurance and Transparency

The other way to convince your partner to stop thinking about cheating is to assure them of your loyalty in the relationship. Remain firm in your ways, and show them in actions and words that you need their trust. Trust is based on transparency. This doesn’t mean you will be telling your partner all the details of your day, but being as transparent as possible is not so bad.

When going out with friends, tell your partner your intentions, where you are headed, or who you are with. If something changes, then that has to be communicated and understood by everyone. For instance, if your partner is uncomfortable or jealous because you are out with the opposite sex, you could say things like, “Hey, I am with Sarah; she’s my friend from high school, and I will keep you posted.” Transparency eliminates suspicion and informs them that there is no secret to keep.

Building Trust 

Trust cannot be built in a day, especially if the relationship has had a case of cheating. Building trust can take a while—months or years. Do not get angry if your partner has issues with fear or doubt. Instead, show them you are in for the long haul and are ready to work towards a better trust relationship. Consistency is key. Ensure that what you are doing matches with what you are saying. The way you act can make them feel more confident in you.

Do not get impatient with them. If trust has been lost on the part of one or both partners, it will take a while to repair it. Help them to navigate this experience in their timeline without pressuring them to do so quickly. Make sure you still reassure them whenever you can.

Final Thoughts 

Fear of cheating does not have to control your relationship with your partner. It can lead to a lack of understanding between you and your partner. Lack of trust creates numerous problems. Be calm, truthful, and orderly in your actions to restore confidence. If both of you are committed to working through these fears, you will work it out. Trust isn’t given; it is earned. Show your partner that you want the relationship. Reassure them that you are committed. That way, you can build a relationship that stands strong.

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