Declarations Of Faith: 3 Powerful Views Beyond Your Problems

Declarations of Faith, Psalm 121

Declarations of faith during a problem involve looking past our situations and reaching out to God.

There was once a runner who was in seventh place. As the race continued, people were shocked to see how he was slowly moving up in the ranks. By the time they got to the final lap, he was in first place! He went on to win the race. When asked how he kept himself motivated, he said, “I never saw the other racers in front of me. I kept looking toward the finish line. That’s where the victory was.”

Many of us don’t win the race of life because we’re only seeing what’s in our way and not what’s up ahead. Reaching out to God in times of trial and chaos has to be like muscle memory. Why? Most of the time, emotions take over. When emotions take over, poor decisions soon follow. Fear, frustration, and doubt can cloud judgment, leading us down a road of more problems. This is why we must condition our minds to reach out to God as a reflex.

Declarations of Faith, Psalm 121
Pexels courtesy of John Howard.

Declaring Your Faith: A Psalm Of Perspective

Psalm 121 is a Psalm of perspective, providing a look at the bigger picture of how we should respond as Believers. Verses 1 and 2 capture this thought:

“I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” –Psalm 121:1-2 

From these two verses, here are three declarations of faith that can help keep you grounded and looking to God:

Declaration of Faith #1: My Help Is Not Found Below—It Comes from Above! 

As a Christian, I refuse to look for your strength in the temporary things of this world. I understand my help does not come from my talents, resources or people. In those times of need I will lift my eyes past my circumstances. I will look beyond the hills of uncertainty, those valleys of doubt, and look in the direction of Jesus Christ.  He alone is the source of my strength.

Declarations of Faith #2: My God Doesn’t Just Watch, He Helps

When I reflect on my struggles, I realize the Lord is not distant and is nearby. He is not watching from the sidelines and steps into my situation with power and purpose. He is my ever-present help, He sustains me, He delivers me. In those times where I am crying, He encourages me and lifts me up. When I find myself surrounded by my problems and enemies, He fights for me. My God is far from a passive bystander–He is an active defender of those who believe in Him! 

Declarations of Faith #3: My Help Comes From The Creator, Not The Created! 

My ultimate help in life cannot depend on the things of this world because it all will eventually fade away. To be clear, my help comes from the Lord. He spoke my life into existence. If I believe God is sovereign, I have hope.

A Prayer For Perspective

Lord, as I focus on the words of the verse two verses of Psalm 121, help me in my perspective. I may not always remember my declarations of faith, and they may not be sound at times, and I know I get emotional first before I pray. Thank you for Jesus Christ who provides me the grace in those times. Help me to be the person you need me to be. Help me be a representative of your Kingdom. Help me be better than I was yesterday. May I forever progress in my relationship with you, amen. 



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