When life starts to feel complex and overwhelming, people look for ways to help connect the dots. Astrology uses the planets to help navigate and explain self-characteristics. Knowing more about yourself can guide you in making hard decisions. Astrology is a tool used to provide comfort for those needing another way to figure out how to live their life.
Tarot in the Stars Horoscope
You may find your emotions running high today or just running amok. Keeping a level head may prove to be more of a challenge due to the blending of energies. Most people will be experiencing this problem today, you are not alone. Socializing may become overwhelming for those with a lower energy, so keep yourself in mind. If you need to, retreat to a quiet space for some breathing exercises or simply to clear your head. It may be beneficial to avoid any unnecessary drama or gossip today.
The Planets Today
The Sun represents ego and will in astrology as it is the most visible and important star. With the Sun in Aquarius now is the time to think outside of the box and improve the normal routine. You may find yourself thinking about humanity in a collective group. Utilize this time to help others in need in ways you can contribute. As winter is in full swing, it is a collective mindset to gather and share with those who we can help. Even if it is a sharing of ideas or opinions, the gathering brings people into the fold.
The Moon represents hidden or emotional needs, it reflects your instincts. With the Waxing Moon in Cancer, a nurturing nature manifests. You may feel more receptive and sensitive to others’ emotional needs. If you feel overwhelmed by the flood, retreat for solitude and solace. When you feel up to socializing, seek moderation to help lessen the severity.
Family security may be at the forefront of your thoughts today. Feelings of protectiveness for yourself and your family may emerge more intensely. You may find yourself wanting to mother and be mothered. Try not to go overboard and smother, instead. If family and friends do not reciprocate your feelings today, it’s okay. You find yourself becoming defensive, keep a calm state of mind, and let logic and reason seep in. Use this energy and channel it into creative hobbies or endeavors.
Today’s Spread
Tarot decks have been used for generations as a tool to delve into the inner realms. Helping people make hidden connections in their lives and to face inner truths. The tarot deck consists of 78 cards, separated into two sections. The major arcana consists of 22 cards while the minor arcana consists of 56 cards.
The minor arcana is divided into four subcategories to represent the four elements or navigational directions. Today’s Tarot reading was done with the Green Witch Tarot deck by Ann Moura. If today’s tarot spread does not resonate with you, come back for the next reading.
14. The Sidhe
The first card of today’s tarot reading represents past conditions or circumstances. Using diplomacy and a suave rationale, you overcame difficulties. Blending ideas led to a harmony of rational and intuitive solutions. Fusion led to invigoration which resulted in reconciliation. You have a natural way to balance logic and emotion. Friends or colleagues were an invaluable sounding board to bounce ideas and get positive or constructive feedback.
King of Chalices (Reversed)
The second card of today’s tarot spread signifies the present situation or choices you may be facing. You are dealing with a self-serving obstructionist. This person can shift situations to their favor and craft incredible gossip. With the ability to change others’ moods, it is hard to pin this person down with logic. You may feel like you are immobile or stuck in this situation. Dealing with this person may make you feel drained or weakened. Talking to a licensed counselor or representative may help you navigate around this person.
Eight of Chalices (Reversed)
The third card of today’s tarot reading represents possible future outcomes or obstacles to be faced. You will be faced with a serious choice, and it will be drastic. There will be no middle ground, things are about to change. If you fight it, the choice will be forced upon you. Do not make this choice with reckless abandonment. This is a turning point, if you make your choice solely on emotions, you will be left dissatisfied. Use your logic and reason to guide you on this one. Release inconsequential matters, remember to keep moderation, and seek the deeper meanings.
Today is about going at your own pace and not being caught up in others’ emotional whirlwinds. Rumor and gossip will only drag you down and keep you from excelling soon. Stay away from or limit your exposure to the master manipulator. This person is out to promote themselves and will use anyone they can. Use your knowledge and talents for your benefit and take accountability. Honesty will cut through their lies and falsehoods. This may make a future life-changing decision easier to manage.