As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries tend to be trailblazers. The Sun sign represents will and purpose. Aries is the Cardinal Fire and rules the head. Your ruling planet is Mars. Aries tend to be headstrong, energetic, forceful, and outgoing. You are more likely to rush into things before proper planning and exhibit little patience when sitting back and letting events happen or mature without intervention. You have a strong will and can come across as self-centered when achieving your goals; big or small.
The Sun in the first house represents a collective of energy to be, to act, and to initiate. You are more likely to be enterprising and ambitious. Courageous, independent, and a natural leader, you forge ahead with your head held high and a determined look in your eye. Others may perceive you as egocentric or overbearing when you don’t take other views into account. You are at your best when you demonstrate your independence that does not hinder the independence of others.
Moon Phases
We start this week with a Waxing Moon in Cancer. Be sure to put proper thought into your ambitions this week, Aries. Spend the day setting yourself up for success and contemplating alternatives and obstacles. The Full Moon on Wednesday will be transferring houses from Leo to Virgo. What might start out as a fun adventure may lead to more serious choices.
Be sure to put proper thought into your plans and promises before Wednesday, Aries. Make no plans or promises until Thursday for the best chances of success. Friday the Waning Moon will be in Virgo. Spend this day with someone you want to slow down time with. Savor the day or evening and let things be, do not force situations or moods. Best if things unfold naturally and mutually.
Important Dates
Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday are the best days for making plans and setting intentions. Aries, use the first half of this week with the intent of seeking abundance and bringing positivity into your life. Wednesday will have the best energy for self-care and introspection. Spend this day clearing your mind and body of the toxic or negative energies holding you back. Commune with your inner child and seek a higher sense of self. Thursday, the Moon will start Waning, and this will be the best time to start repelling negativity from your life.
Aries Weekly Horoscope
Feelings may fluctuate this week, especially with the holiday this Friday. Aries, you may feel pressure or stress trying to figure out the best way to express your feelings. Use the Full Moon on Wednesday to your advantage by bringing abundance to yourself until Tuesday. Spend Wednesday on self-care, introspection, and communing with your inner child. Thursday is the opportune day to look for the best gift to give. Inspiration will strike when you see the perfect way to show your appreciation and affection. Friday and Saturday will take on a more serious nature and you may feel the need to slow things down to savor the moments together.
The Full Moon occurring midweek may prove beneficial for your love life. Gain ideas and inspiration until Wednesday. Utilize the Full Moon to do some work on yourself. Hone your mind and your emotions into a solid unit. If you are planning to spend the holiday with someone special, the ideal shopping day is Thursday. If you are single, spend this time reflecting on other relationships, such as family, friends, or even pets. Spending time and maybe perusing the shelves for a little gift to show your appreciation. Making something yourself always shows you care and have crafted something with them in mind.