5 Easy Obtainable New Year’s Resolutions

new year's eve traditions

It’s that time at the end of the year when people have high hopes and look to make lifestyle changes with their resolutions for the upcoming New Year. How many times have you sworn that you would go to the gym, eat healthy, or promise yourself something else, only to give up after two weeks? I’ll admit going to the gym regularly is a yearly resolution of mine, and most of the time, the lack of motivation has me failing year after year. Here are five New Year’s resolutions that anyone can achieve to feel accomplished and to make yourself a better person in 2025. These resolutions will not only make you feel good but may make you feel better about yourself.

new years traditions, resolutions, new years day, new years eve, clink, celebrate
Photo Credit: CottonBro Courtesy of Pexels

5. Make Your Bed

I know, I know, I sound like your mother! You aren’t 7 years old, but making your bed starts the day with an accomplishment. As small as it may seem, waking up and making your bed gives you a small task to start your day. It gives you a sense of accomplishment and starts your day off right. Just think before you get ready for work, brush your teeth, and shower. You will already have something done, and when you return to your bedroom, the bed looks nice and comfy after a long day’s work. It is one of the easiest resolutions you could ask for, and if you have that oh-so-special someone spending the night, they will appreciate it, too.

4. Keep a Journal

Write something down every day! Whether it’s a novel, a paragraph, or a sentence, write down what you did that day, how you feel, or anything that comes to mind. This could also help keep track and accountability for your resolutions. Writing can be very therapeutic! Getting your feelings out on a piece of paper can help, even if it is for your eyes only. Who knows, you may become the next R.L. Stine! Yes, that is a Goosebumps reference.

3. Volunteer

This one may take a little bit more of your time, but it’s so easy to do. If you have a kid in sports, volunteer to coach or help out. You could also ask other parents if they need help with carpooling. Volunteering is good for the soul! Doing things with the expectation of nothing in return not only helps the community but also makes you feel good in general. There are so many different avenues you can take to do this easy resolution and you can even get creative with it! Become a Big Sister or Brother, adopt a family for a holiday, and even get your kids involved in helping someone less fortunate than you are.

2. Text or DM a Random Friend

Have some friends you haven’t spoken to in a while? Reach out and text them! This is also one of the resolutions that only take a few minutes of your time. Sometimes, friends lose touch and need someone to talk to. I have a friend who will text me every morning to send good vibes, and it starts the day with positive energy. Shout out to you, T; I love you, brother! Most people don’t go around spewing their business to the world but need someone to talk to. Even if the text is a simple “How’s it going? Hope all is well!”, it can go a long way!

1. Do a Random Good Deed

My mother always said, “Say hello to someone you normally wouldn’t talk to.” The reason behind that is you never know what someone may be going through in their personal lives. A simple hello or smile could possibly make someone’s day. This resolution could be as easy as that or holding the door for someone. With all the world’s turmoil and hate, be different and show love and compassion to your fellow man and woman. It doesn’t take much to be nice to a stranger! I know that doesn’t make you go viral in the world of Instagram and Tik Tok but being polite to someone could have an impact on them that you will never realize the significance.

Final Thoughts

In a world that seems to be so negative all the time, bring some positivity into it. These 5 New Year’s resolutions are not only easy to achieve but could also make you a better person in general. The resolutions aren’t time-consuming and could be more beneficial than not. The power of positivity is real, and your mindset is a powerful tool. The goal is always to try to be better than yesterday! Hopefully, 2o25 will be a great year for everyone who deserves it!


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